Tuesday, September 30, 2008

the seducer

This illustration is done as a cover for the shampoo package.
First I prepared the b & w scatch, than finalized , the drawing with inc pencils and then coloured skin, hair and dress on a separate layers, ( relatively small number of them, though I did not include all used layers.After finishing all the separate color layers I flattened the image and pro ceded wit image corrections .
Drawing and coloring photshop CS 3.


Temnik said...

Great illustration! It's good that you've putted all the images from the process, it looks like a small tutorial...

He, he, malku angliski za vezba ne e na odmet...Tuku ova go crtase vo Photoshop direktno?

Maheen said...

This is really very nice post you shared, i like the post, thanks for sharing.. proprietà alluramin